Thursday August 10th
Early morning fog, I have a hard enough time watching golf balls when it is clear out.

Colleen and I were together because neither of us play golf but wanted some morning entertainment. I am not going to tell you who was having a rough time but he handled it like no other golfer I have had the chance to be around. Lets just say that three groups backed up behind us before leaving the 1st hole.
We had to keep an eye on Leo "I think I will put my ball right here" he was slick like that have you ever had that feeling of being watched? Charlotte was checking on us to see if she could put the scones in the oven.
ron is so hot he was smokin !!
Black headed squirrel running around the course that caught our attention and backed up two more groups.
Ron aiming for Leo's house and I think he hit one of the windows but the ball did not go through but did break the outside glass.
Ron playing it off like I could not have hit it that far I was just going to scare Charlotte and Leo's mom and dad.
We continued on and I had a nice time talking to Colleen and heckling the golfers only to find out later that it is not a really accepted practice. As we continued around the course lined with water hazards we caught a glimpse of the “Mansion” and the beautiful Queen known to some as the “Minx” but to Colleen and I as a gracious host. We had the privilege of meeting Leo’s parents and let me tell you they were very nice and just like I thought they would be from some of Leo’s posts in the past. We had a grand tour of Leo and Charlotte’s beautiful house and, to be honest, although Leo is a great photographer, his pictures do not do it justice. Before we ruined our welcome we decided that we should leave and catch up to the groups. It was a short trip and we caught them in two holes. The entertainment continued and for what ever reason I thought we would be close to finishing in 3 or 4 hours. Around 10am we had just reached halfway I was going to have to leave all the fun and get back so I could take the kids out to the ocean. After saying the goodbyes I just knew I was going to miss something later on in the round but if I stayed I was going to catch the wrath of Sloan and Walker. When I got back to the house I ate a quick lunch it was the left overs from Miyabi’s and it was almost as good today as it was Tuesday. All I heard about was how big the waves were walking to the beach and how they were taking victims(shoes, hats and sunglasses) but when we got to the water they looked to be normal and I thought disappointment was going to set in. But once the kids our in the water they forget all the big things and live for the now. We stayed out in the ocean for a couple of hours and soon we had to pack up and head to the house to get some shade and a dip in the pool. We sat around the pool for another hour until it was time to go in and get ready for dinner. We headed over to Flo’s place and as we were walking in the door we ran into BobL and his family and then Mike(Eastcoast). They took us outside and we found Ron (Ichiban) finishing up his dinner.
Chapy at the meet up (picture taken by Walker)
Mandy at the meet up (another picture by Walker)
Soon Leo, Charlotte, Patrish and Wally arrived followed by Dawne (DawneInVa) and her family. We stood around on the back deck talking and catching up, this is the second meet-up I have been to and I thought the first felt like I already knew everyone this was that and so much more. But shortly thereafter the waitress came outside and asked us to order because a storm was getting ready to hit and more than likely we were going to have to finish our meals inside and be separated again. Before going inside Patrish made a few presentations since we had so many moderators at this meet up she thought she would give us a token of her appreciation, she gave Leo, Colleen, Mike and myself a book called Myrtle Beach Memories. She gave Ron a very nice glass stein thanking Ron for all that he does on MB2.
Patrish reading the glass to Ron and telling him thank you again.
This just goes to prove that Patrish is one of the nicest people in the world and if I wasn’t a hard head I would have thought of something to give to her for all that she does day in and day out.
BobL wife Mary and daughter TJ Charlotte and baby Noelle
Chapy and Leo
Wally catching up with Dawn(the other one), husband Bob and son Josh
We moved inside as they were bringing out our dinners.
BobL and Mary
Colleen and Brian Mike (Eastcoast)
I sat there thinking as these meetups continue to get bigger and more and more people show up to check them out we are going to have to think about renting a place because when you get separated you feel like you are missing something.
The captain of this ship Grandparents make the silliest faces
Ron and phyllis
Charlotte cjecling ron's tummy
The food was very good and the service to accommodate this large group was good as well. Our orders were C-Seafood platter, M-red beans and rice with okra and tomato side and the kids had chicken strips and fries.

After dinner Ron had been told to bring our table to the outside to the second table to celebrate Bob(DaweInVa’s husband’s birthday) When you have a birthday party at Flo’s the staff comes out and sings to you in their

We found the first place we could to stop and get in a quick game in case it decided to rain. Sloan and Walker were so happy that they finally were playing that they could barely contain themselves.

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