Sunday August 6th
Woke up early this morning and sat outside on the front porch to watch the sun come up but unfortunately there were too many clouds to catch a good view. I headed out and went up to Hudson Flea market but they do not open all the vendors until 9am. 
They had a nice little church service for those who did arrive early. When I got back to the house almost everyone had climbed up and out of their beds. The ladies wanted to take advantage of the last tax free shopping day and went up to the Tanger outlets on 17. My lovely wife(who did not get enough things yesterday) decided to go and drive separately because she just wanted to check a few things and then come back so she could get some sun. All the dads had the daunting tasks of taking the 8 kids under 9 to the beach and convince them to stay in one general area.
After a couple of hours we were convinced by the ladies they would be on their way back and we could all have lunch and then swim in the pool. After we had lunch still no ladies so we decided to call and see how close they were. But, to our surprise, they were still shopping and one was even on a small tour of northern South Carolina on Rt’s 31, 22, 90 and soon 501(but that is another story) After all the moms made it home we sat out by the pool
for a while longer before making some dinner. Tonight we stayed in and grilled steaks and scallops, fixed a salad, a potato casserole, some garlic bread and apple pie for dessert. 

Some kids had hotdogs and others had shrimp but no one went away hungry.
Here is Sloan the oldest 9 and Olivia the youngest 1
David and Sarah
Hunter loves those hot dogs.
The kids just had to get back into the pool before the wrinkles on their skin went away. We pulled them from the pool around 930pm convinced they would crash as soon as they cleaned up but NO not tonight! They just wanted to have more fun because their vacation was almost over.(2 days down 5 to go) After calming them all down and sneaking a couple off to bed at a time by 11, they were all in bed.

After a couple of hours we were convinced by the ladies they would be on their way back and we could all have lunch and then swim in the pool. After we had lunch still no ladies so we decided to call and see how close they were. But, to our surprise, they were still shopping and one was even on a small tour of northern South Carolina on Rt’s 31, 22, 90 and soon 501(but that is another story) After all the moms made it home we sat out by the pool

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